Bad Christmas/Holiday Movie Reviews
Part one of an unknown length series where I break down some truly terrible and terrific Christmas/Holiday movies! Ho ho ho!
Every year in our household we watch as many Christmas movies as possible. I am talking three movies in one night if we can manage. We will start pretty quickly after Halloween, which I am sure makes some people mad. Thanksgiving is a colonizer holiday, my friends, and we only celebrate by watching the Addams Family Values from 1993 where it features one of the best Thanksgiving scenes.
This year I have decided to let you into our little movie world.
The goal of a Christmas movie, for us, is not to be perfect or even good. No, no. We actually prefer it to be bad. Bad is subjective, which is why we like it. A few examples of what we mean by bad:
The dialogue is contrite
Ethereal or heavenly visitors appear
Cheap CGI (yes, I know CGI is expensive but if I can clock it then we have a problem)
No diversity
Lack of conflict
The list can go on and on. We have made entire holiday traditions around bad cringe movies.
“There’s too much Christmas content! How do I know what to watch?”
That’s where my little series comes in handy! Welcome to my first ever Christmas/Holiday Movie List. I will be documenting all the Christmas/Holiday movies we watch, where we watch them, a few thoughts, and score out of ten. This means you can browse, with limited spoilers, and pick out a low stakes Christmas/Holiday movie to watch.
Without further ado, here are the first Christmas/Holiday movies we watched and our scores:
Scottish Christmas 3/10 (2023)
Watchable on Netflix and Hallmark
Weird sibling sexual chemistry. For some reason, the brother and sister have more going on than either of their love interests.
The conflicts are not in the room with us.
Not a single person of color, not even someone who might be ambiguously ethnic.
Rewatchable? No.
A Biltmore Christmas 6/10 (2023)
Watchable on Netflix and Hallmark
Time travel which is amazing. This was a huge draw in the trailer and made me want to watch it.
Why are we time travelling? Because magic.
Will have to explain to the main love interest everything that happens between 1948 and 2022.
Weird southern lady who is also the main characters side kick? Castle/movie set/museum/hotel setting makes for an interesting plot point as well. We are meant to believe that this sidekick is obsessed with the movie from the 40s, ala “It’s a Wonderful Life” but it doesn’t make a lot of sense.
The butler is in on the magic…kind of.
Again, not a single person of color or even ethnically ambiguous
Rewatchable? No.
Christmas with a Kiss 6.3/10 (2023)
Watchable on Netflix and Hallmark
Black lead!!!!! With black co stars!!! It was the first movie we saw in the new movies that featured anyone who wasn’t white.
The main actress was really working the acting and carried much of the film. But it erred on too long, and the conflict was weak.
Started hot hot hot and then just drags pacing wise. It felt about half an hour too long.
Hot fireman love interest and the journalist grows on you…but it takes time.
Mentions a carnival heavily yet barely shows the carnival. I mean it, the movie centers around a Christmas carnival yet we see very little of the event. We see more of a firehouse than the carnival!
Brand ambassador…you mean influencer? They refuse to use the name in the movie, despite that being exactly what she does.
Rewatchable? No.
Let me know if you are going to watch any of these movies and if you like to watch a holiday film. Or are you a Scrooge?